
Summer Internships & Fellowships

The Psychology Department annually funds a Royal Psychology Internship Program in conjunction with the Center for Career Development.

At least 1 psychology major receives funding (up to $3000) for completing an unpaid internship in the summer months. Strong preference is accorded to a graduate-school bound student.

Psychology faculty prescreen psychology applicants before the general application deadline. That means psychology majors should submit their applications early to Ms. Lori Moran (a psychology alum) in the Center for Career Development.  In that way, we pre-select a psychology recipient and then have additional psychology applicants considered for other internship awards.

In addition, psychology majors routinely win the President's Fellowship for Summer Research.  This competitive program requires a formal grant application in conjunction with a psychology faculty member.  In the last three years, four psychology majors have received this fellowship.

Recent Internship Recipients 

Tiannah Adams

Tiannah's reflections on her experience:



Jack Burke 

Jack Burke image 

Please visit Jack's blog:  


Robert (Bobby) McGowan

Please visit Bobby's blog: 


Catherine (Cassie) Stapf

Please visit Cassie's blog: 


Recent Fellowship Recipients

Danielle Cook
Michael Diana
Koebe Diaz  Emma Nessel Jake Ziede
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