
Finding the Right Fellowship

Where do you begin?

A large part of your success in the application process will be finding the fellowship or scholarship that’s right for you. Please utilize this directory to find information about the fellowships and scholarships that interest you, and for which you may be eligible.

Remember, this is just a partial listing of the fellowships and scholarships available to students of high academic achievement and consistent participation in service activities. Our office files contain numerous others that are not listed here. In addition, you may become awareof other scholarships in your field of study.If you find a scholarship/fellowship for which you believe you are qualified for and would like to pursue, please bring it to our attention and we will guide you through the application and essay preparations process.

Fellowships Directory


(formerly Pre-Doctoral Fellowships for minorities)

Andrew W. Mellon Scholarships (suspended in 2005, unlikely to be renewed)

(National Collegiate Athletics Association) Postgraduate Scholarship Programs


Andrew W. Mellon Scholarships (suspended in 2005, unlikely to be renewed)

(National Collegiate Athletics Association) Postgraduate Scholarship Programs


(National Collegiate Athletics Association) Postgraduate Scholarship Programs
(National Institutes of Health) Oxford and Cambridge Biomedical and Health Sciences Scholars


Social Sciences

(formerly Pre-Doctoral Fellowships for minorities)


Andrew W. Mellon Scholarships (suspended in 2005, unlikely to be renewed)

(National Collegiate Athletics Association) Postgraduate Scholarship Programs

Natural and Physical Sciences

(formerly Pre-Doctoral Fellowships for minorities)


(National Collegiate Athletics Association) Postgraduate Scholarship Programs
(National Institutes of Health) Oxford and Cambridge Biomedical and Health Sciences Scholars
(National Science Foundation) Graduate Fellowship; Minority Graduate Fellowship; Women in Engineering and Computing & Information Science Fellowship

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