
Mission and Community Service Leave

The University encourages its employees to live out service to others and to reflect on questions of value and meaning.  This policy is designed to support the objectives of increasing voluntary community service and encouraging reflection as an integral part of our outreach and service activities.

The purpose of the Mission and Community Service Leave policy is to allow staff to voluntarily participate, with pay, in University sponsored spiritual retreats, and approved mission or community service related activities that occur during regularly scheduled work hours.  Staff members who have completed six (6) months of service and work in a regular full time or regular part time position equivalent to at least half time are eligible for Mission and Community Service Leave time.

The University recognizes three types of voluntary activities under this leave policy:

  1. University sponsored or endorsed spiritual retreats including retreats or trips sponsored by the Division of University Mission and Ministry, which includes the Jesuit Center.
  2. Serving as a chaperone for student domestic or international service trips sponsored by the Center for Social Justice and/or the International Service Program.
  3. Mission and Community Service related activities which include community service in connection with a legally sanctioned non-profit organization that engages in activities consistent with the University’s mission. 

Activities related to child school activities are not applicable under this policy.

Eligible staff are provided paid time off for up to ten (10) days in any three (3) calendar year period.  If part-time, the employee will be given leave on a pro-rated basis in accordance with the employee’s part-time status.  Employees may extend this Mission and Community Service Leave benefit with vacation time, or take time without pay, all subject to the approval of their supervisor and Human Resources. 

Requests must be made in writing, using the Mission and Community Service Leave form to the Office of Human Resources to review for applicability to the policy and availability of time for the staff member requesting.  Human Resources will forward for departmental and divisional approvals.  The supervisor has the right to deny time off if granting such time creates a staffing issue. 

All requests for Mission and Community Service Leave will be reviewed with careful consideration of both the needs of the department and the development of the employee.   

Mission and Community Service Leave (Policy & Form)

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